How to Create a Low Content Book Fast.

Why Create Low Content Books?

People buy low content books.

One of the biggest selling sections of the Kindle marketplace at the moment is low or no content books. People are time poor and often can't find the time to read a longer book.

The types of low content books they buy are instructional, flash fiction, news summaries, journals, colouring in books, diaries, recipe books and buyers guides.

In our ever changing world and the vastness of the Internet it is nearly impossible for anyone to gather all the information they want on any subject so they can make an informed decision.

No-one likes to make a mistake, particularly if it costs them money or time, so they look for help in the form of reviews, reports, case studies and demonstrations of how something might work.

This is a potential goldmine for you.

When you take the time to do the research that they don't want to do, write up your findings in a concise report or review, 5 - 15 pages, and offer it for sale at a low price point i.e. $7 - $10 they'll snap them up.

The price would need testing for each report you write to maximise your sales and income and you can insert links inside your document to the sales page of the product which will earn you a commission when a reader buys through your report.

Low content books are easy and fast to create.

Because these low content books have very few pages, and there's not much on them anyway, they don't take a lot of time to create.

Depending on what type of book you are creating you could have one completed, uploaded and selling in an hour or less.

Reports and reviews take a little longer to create but they carry a higher perceived value and can fetch a higher price.

In my latest book, "How to create a short report in under and hour and market it using a systematic process to create a crazy online passive income" which is a bit of a mouth-full really, I lay out all the steps from finding a subject to write about, how to do your research, how to write the report, how to write the sales page for it and how to get interested people to see your sales page.

The title isn't short, and nor is the book. It isn't an example of a short report, but it will provide you with ALL the steps you need to take.

The first time you do it will take you longer than the hour, but as you create more and more of them you'll get faster.

No, you won't run out of things to write about, there are 12 different ways to find a niche to write in which will help you to find 100 or more different subjects to write about.

There are a couple of ways to find subject matter that can take a simple report and convert it into 5, 10 or more separate and unique reports. No, you won't run out of things to write about.

P.S. I have been accused of attempting to write the longest book title ever, that wasn't the plan and I don't think I succeeded either.

Low content reports cover a single topic only.

As you'll discover in my new book, each report you write covers a single topic.

In this manner you can write a short report on each of 10 topics from a single article online.

For example:-

In an article on the Keto diet there will typically be a section on foods to eat and foods to avoid plus supplements you can take.

Your Keto report can cover foods to eat and why, or foods to avoid and why, and you could also write a report on each of the supplements.

You can write a report on each of the food groups, so one on nuts, one on drinks, one on cheese etc.

Are you getting the idea here? From a single online article on the Keto diet I have pulled out 9 potential reports on the food and drinks that are allowed or frowned upon, and I haven't got to the supplements yet.

Of course I have also left out the potential side-effects and potential health benefits.

To write a report on any one of these means you need to do a bit more research on each subject but writing a 5 page report on the permitted foods should be easy. The same can be said for any of the other topics.

Do you think that a person considering the Keto diet would be likely to read a short report on the side-effects of the Keto diet?

Do you think they would be happy to pay $5 for one?

There are an almost limitless number of topics to write about.

As you can see from the previous section you can get a lot of ideas from a single article.

When you start really looking for topics on the Internet, in newspapers, in magazines, in the books you already own, in the books in bookshops or the Kindle marketplace or any of the myriad of other places, you will see opportunities everywhere.

That's one of the reasons I'm happy to share this information. I can't possibly cover all the opportunities.

I don't think there is any chance of the market for small reports becoming saturated anytime soon.

If it does I can aways write a report on why writing small reports is no longer viable.

Until now I haven't pointed out that these reports can be written in any language, not just English.

Nor have I pointed out that you can write a report on cities, countries, culture, dance, music, movies, books, vehicles, beliefs, clothing, physical products of any sort.

Is your head spinning yet? Can you see the possibilities? Can you find enough information to write 5 - 15 pages of content about any one of these subjects? Can you find enough information to write a 5 - 15 page report on a suburb of a city, or a model of motor car?

I know you can, it is ridiculously easy to do.

This is my new book. You can get early access to it here.

If you use the coupon code 10 bucks off you can get a $10 discount, Doh!

Get Early Access Here ! ->

The easiest report to write is a review.

You can write a review on almost anything from a software tool, a website, a book, a kitchen appliance, your Internet provider, the latest Government legislation etc.

Anything can be the subject of a review.

Same with a report.

So what's the difference between a review and a report?

A rough explanations is that a report is an objective summary whereas a review is a subjective summary.

Objective means that it contains facts but not opinions.

Subjective means that it contains opinions about the facts.

Saying that water is wet is objective, saying that it tastes delicious is subjective.

With that in mind it becomes clear that you can write a review and a report on the exact same topic, and sell them both into the same market.

Doesn't that open up the market by doubling what you can write.

Still think you'll run out of material to write? I don't think so.

If you are interested, there is an excellent 5 day course on writing reviews that convert to sales right here.

The feedback from the originator of the course is well worth the minor cost of the package.

My book doesn't cover reviews, just writing reports but the two complement each other nicely.

5 Reasons why your first report won't sell.

  1. Even with the training, you still don't know what you are doing, yet. The bottom line is that not all reports sell and not all reviews work. You won't have the experience to get it right the first time you try. The same as when you first tried to walk or ride your bike. No-one gets everything 100% correct on their first attempt at anything. You will fail, that's OK, you dust yourself off, look at what you did and do better with the next one.

  1. You didn't pick the right niche and or topic to write on. That's just a lack of experience, you'll get better the more reports and reviews you write.

  1. You didn't get the title right. Yep, titles are like headlines, you have to make them zing so the viewer will be drawn to buy your report or read your review. That's the job of the title, to pique their interest and get them started reading.

  1. You didn't get the front cover right. The front cover graphics are nearly as important as the title. Unless you are already a graphic artist, get someone else to make one for you. It's worth the minor expense.

  1. You didn't make an enticing sales page for your report. Don't be fooled, the description is a sales page, it needs to convince the visitor to take the next step and buy your report. You might be able to create various sales pages across the Internet to draw them in but the description still needs to do its job and encourage them to buy.

You might be lucky and get enough of those things right first up and make sales. If you do, congratulations. The problem with first up success is that often you'll make a stinker with your next effort and then quit.

In some ways you're better off stuffing up the first one so when you do have some success on the next one you'll be more inclined to keep going.

The funny thing is that when you do start to get sales, the reports that didn't sell will start selling as well. It's a strange thing that once people begin to read your stuff they are more likely to read more of it if they like it, all authors have had that experience, even Stephen King.

How to make a living from what you write.

The holy grail of almost every budding author is to be able to make a living from their work.

Only a small percentage of those who write manage that, but that is the same in every career. Only a small percentage get to be the top dogs.

Well that used to be the case until the Internet came along. The Internet has levelled the playing field so that anyone who chooses to write can publish their work for the world to see.

Now we know why so many failed to gain traction in the old-style publishing arena, their early writing stinks.

Now though they can get feedback from fans and not so fans and their writing improves with that feedback, if they listen.

Here's the fascinating thing about the Internet, you can find fans for almost any genre of writing you do.

Heres a big reveal for you, you only need 1,000 true fans who buy $100 worth of stuff from you a year for you to make a very good living. That's less than $10 per month. Is $100,000 a year a good living for you?

Can you write 1 good report or review a month? Are you kidding me? With the review course and my book you could easily write one a week without breaking a sweat.

With 52 reports out there you only need to find 192 true fans to make the same kind of income. Facebook has 2.5 Billion active users per month, could you find 192 who like your work in that lot?

I think the answer is "Hell, yeah!"

You don't have to write articles like this any more. You don't have to distribute them on paper any more. You won't be limited to the people in your city or town any more either.

Claim your right to live the way you want.

Too many people live lives of quiet desperation, they know that there are better ways to live but they feel trapped into sticking to the grindstone. Their job holds no attraction for them, the salary is just enough to get by on but not enough to get better on. They can see their prospects of advancement receding into the distance with every passing year but their cost of living goes up.

I know what that's like, I've been there and I feel your pain but you don't have to stay there.

Let me tell you a little of where I've come from.
When my daughter was about 8 years old the business I was working for sacked me.
Our family finances got so low that when the My Whippy ice cream van came around I told her that the reason he rang his bell was because he had run out of ice cream. I couldn't even treat my little girl to an ice cream. Do you think I felt really bad about that? That's why I decided that I had to figure out a way I could have the income I dreamt of.

The Internet was in its infancy then but I knew that it was the answer to my prayers. The promise of passive income was real. It's still real but it's better now than it was back then.

Today, right now, you have a decision to make.

Will you stick with the same old same old and keep plodding along just barely keeping your head above water and hoping for a lucky break? Is your escape from the rat race dependant on winning the lottery?

Or will you take a risk, yes it is a risk, a small one but still a risk, and reach out for a better life? Will you step up for your family and do what I have shown you can be done?

If you are ready to stretch a little you can claim some of that good life for yourself and your family then you need to click the link below and grab my book. Devour it. Write your first report, then write another one, and another until the money starts to come in. Can you do that?

This is my new book. You can get early access to it here.

If you use the coupon code 10 bucks off you can get a $10 discount, Doh!

Get Early Access Here ! ->

I should point out that there is a 100% money back guarantee on this book so you can't lose. The guarantee is good for 120 days which means that you have plenty of time to write a bunch of reports and even have some money coming in before you have to decide if the information is any good. Of course, if you buy this and don't write any reports you won't have gained anything at all.

Good writing.